Still Pet feet Dog kid Insects Posed Child Buildings Hands Demo image Nature

January 12, 2011

January 09, 2011

Broken Beauty


I lost a lot of ornaments this year but hey, I got a few nice pics too...
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Scavenger Hunt Sunday


This is Me.....

A Mom, daughter, sister, friend 
and aspiring photographer.
I am also an active advocate for Auism. 


To quit smoking as that has been my resolution for the last 4 years
It really is a nasty habit and this picture shall remind me of that.


Time, the time I had with my dad and the time he had with three of my four children. I wish he had more time with us but I treasure the time we did have. 


Their innocence shines it's brightest when they are fast asleep.


Being that primitive means beginning, this pic was perfect. It also blends with my personal life  with autism. If you have a child on the spectrum you can probably pinpoint that this is the beginning of a complete meltdown.

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